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Pilgrim's Bounty

Код товара: 23616

Внимание! Файл продает: Helga

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Аннотация к книге "Pilgrim's Bounty"

 A Best Novel with Great Book Reviews that tells a Story full of Romance, History, Intrigue and a Treasure Hunt together with Contemporary Crime and Revenge…one of those “Good Books to Read.” A tale of War, Passion, Treachery, Violence, Friendship and Love. The Mystery and Pursuit of The Romanov Cross. A historical/contemporary novel packed with fast paced action and intrigue. From the time of original Romanov Tsar, to the days of the Pilgrim Fathers and onward, an...

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Дата выхода: август 2012
ISBN: 978-1489547682
Размер файла: 1359 Кб
ISBN оригинала: 978-1489547682
Год выхода оригинала: 2012